Monday, July 13, 2009

Staying comfortable is work

A bead of sweat rolls down your chin. Your shirt sticks to your back. Your mouth is dry. Your breathing is heavy and labored and you've only walked from your car to the door of your office. You step inside and you're immediately greeted by a welcome blast of cold air. You breathe a sigh of relief as you collapse into your office chair.

Thirty seconds later you're freezing. You reach behind your chair and grab your trusty summer accessory: The office sweater.

Why when it's 1000 degrees outside does the office thermostat seem stuck at 62 degrees? Why do men seem comfortable while women are bundling up in winter cardigans? Is it the fault of the fashion world? Men are encouraged to wear long-sleeved shirts, suit jackets, socks and hearty leather shoes while women's attire consists of sleeveless tops, skirts and open-toe shoes. Yes, let's blame fashion.

Women are forced to hide their cute summer shirts under bulky sweaters. Sweaters that rarely match the clothes they're covering. Sweaters that don't enjoy a cozy spot in the master closet. Sweaters that aren't lovingly folded in dresser drawers. No, these are sweaters that are haphazardly tossed over the arms of office chairs.

The humble office sweater. Usually an item purchased with enthusiasm. Perhaps as part of a sweater set. Maybe as the perfect thing to wear on a chilly fall evening. Then the sweater fails the owner somehow. Perhaps the other part of the set goes missing. Maybe the sweater's sleeves shrink in the dryer. Whatever the reason, the once-proud owner takes this cast-off to work.

The sweater is mistreated. It is quickly and harshly pulled on and off. It falls on the floor regularly. It's stepped on and sat on. Sleeves are used to wipe noses and dust desks.

The misunderstood office sweater. Misshapen. Faded. Sad. Warm. Comfortable. Purposeful.


Erin D. said...

That is funny. And it's true. I wear this terrible long old black sweater at work that covers up anything cute I might wear. We really should make more of an effort to wear a better office sweater!

Anne MM said...

I have 3 office sweaters. One (an odd olive green- the weird I don't go with anything but match everything shade) has a very nice home on the back of my desk chair.... one folded in my office bag (I think my laptop is suppose to go here-- it is padded and everything. This sweater is black) and an odd white sweater in my closet. If odd green or black won't work I grab this sweater along with my cup of joe to go before I leave the house. Remember it doesn't matter what you wear but how YOU wear it.