Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beach, booze and books

Soon I'll be spending a couple of days at the beach. (Jealous?) A trip to the beach is always precipitated by a trip to the bookstore to stock up on beach reads.

I have very strict rules about what makes a book a good beach read. Here they are:

1. The book can't be sad. Tears, sunscreen and sand do not mix. Who wants to be crying into her frozen cocktail when a hot, shirtless guy struts by?

2. The book must be fiction. The beach is not a place to read biographies because people die and death is sad. (See rule number one).

3. The book could never be considered suitable for a school reading list. There are too many junior high memories that will haunt me if I pop open "The Great Gatsby."I'm no longer the girl with the frizzy permed hair and untrendy clothes. On the beach I'm the glamorous sunbather with the modern bikini and cute cover-up.

4. The book must be humorous. Laughter is fun. The beach is fun. Enough said.

5. The book must be engaging enough to hold my interest but not so fascinating that I can't put it down and head to the beach-side bar for another round of margaritas.

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