Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Go green, it's fashionable

I've been trying to leave a smaller carbon footprint by taking my own canvas sacks to the grocery store. That way I don't use any of those disposable plastic bags that are ending up in landfills and ruining our beautiful planet.

My plan is to keep the canvas totes in my car and then take them into the store when I arrive. The reality is I get into the grocery story, fill my basket with goods and then realize I've left the totes in my car. After muttering to myself about my unfortunate forgetfulness, I run out and grab the bags. Only a couple of times have I been in too big a hurry (translation: too lazy) to dash back to the car.

Anyway, I know it's the right thing to do and I am happy to comply, most of the time. But I'm not ready for plastic sacks to be banned from grocery stores. I can't imagine how unpleasant this would be for the poor check-out folks. And, selfishly speaking, how much longer I might have to wait in line while grouchy customers argue with minimum-wage earning clerks about how liberal tree-huggers are infringing on freedom.

My friend Michelle gave a link on a recent tweet about a town in Washington banning plastic bags.

In case this is something that your community is considering, I offer you this awesome tote from Crate & Barrel. Maybe being more environmentally thoughtful will also help us become more fashionable. That's really a cause I can support!

1 comment:

Karly said...

We use those bags, too, but I tend to forget like you do. Jose always remembers. Therefore, he should do all of the grocery shopping!