Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gender cakes

I was watching the Dugger family reality show "18 Kids and Counting" on Tuesday night. The show is about Jim Bob and Michelle, an Arkansas couple, who have 18 children and - God-willing - plan to have more. Who's reality is this, again?

This particular episode was about Josh, the Dugger's oldest son, and his wife Anna. They're expecting their first child and they decided to find out the baby's gender, not in a doctor's office but in a cake.

It's true, and it can happen to you. Here's how: Instead of telling the future mom and dad, an ultrasound technician calls a baker. The baker makes a cake for the expectant parents and dyes the cake batter pink or blue. When the happy couple cuts into the cake, the baby's sex is revealed.

Being a reality couple (or the kids of one, anyway) Josh and Anna chose to cut into their cake on the "Today" show. So, the show's viewers got to find out along with the couple. Reality stardom isn't for everyone.

(Warning: spoiler coming) Josh and Anna's cake was pink. It's a girl!

(Warning: bad pun ahead) Of the various ways to find out a baby's sex, learning through a delicious baked good certainly takes the cake. Though I'd probably pick a more private moment than a national TV show offers.

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