Monday, July 27, 2009

Dating in the Dark

Ever wonder how much appearance factors into a relationship? Stop pondering. ABC's "Dating in the Dark" seeks to answer this question.

Three men and three women meet in a completely dark room to "make a connection." They talk and touch, but they can't see. After an initial meeting each women chooses which of the three guys she wants to date. Luckily, in the first two episodes each gal had been paired off with a different guy. Hello producers' influence.

After a couple of one-on-one dates, the lights come on. Next, each person must decide whether to continue the "relationship." Those who decide to go for love, stand on a balcony. If someone decides to run from love, he or she leaves while the dumped date stands on the balcony and watches. In episode one, a girl ran for the door after the light revealed her date was slightly overweight. In episode two, a guy bailed on a girl because she was "too into her religion." Um, he didn't notice that in the dark?

Anyway, people are shallow. That's no surprise. To me, what's shocking is that anyone would rather be known as an a-hole than a person who dates someone who's not perfect. Why not just suck it up and walk out on the balcony? It's not like there's a priest and marriage license waiting. Haven't these people ever been on a blind date before?

If you're in the dark about this show, I suggest you stay there.

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