Monday, April 27, 2009

Bachelorette party memories alive in our minds

I went to a really fun bachelorette party Saturday. Cocktails were flowing, delicious snacks were being devoured and the bride was opening package after package of gifts she will not be showing her nana.

The bride arrived at the party in a cute little yellow sundress and wedge heels. After being at the party for about two minutes, she was wearing a necklace with a shot-glass pendant, a fake tiara and a fuzzy light-up headband with, um, you-know-whats as antennas. (Yes, you really do know. Think bachelorette party.)

Anyway, she had many more you-know-whats hanging off necklaces and a light-up one inside a plastic pink martini glass.

We had such a good time! I couldn't wait to see my photos the next day. I mean we ended up at Krystal at 3 a.m. It doesn't get better than that. Anyway, after laughing with my sister for half an hour about how awesomely silly the bachelorette looked, I was left wondering just what I was going to do with my 52 photos from the evening.

Creating a Facebook album seemed a bit, well, inappropriate. I'm pretty sure the bride and other party goers do not want their bosses, husbands, boyfriends and church friends to see those photos. Oh well, I guess the memories will have to live on in our minds and not on the Internet. Well, except for the carefully cropped pictures below.

1 comment:

debbie said...

Oh my goodness, how drunk do I look?! Thank you for not posting the more inappropriate pics. :) What a fun night!