Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's in the woods

My sister organized a Minty-style outdoor adventure for our New Year's Eve celebration. (Thanks, Anne!) What's Minty-style? Luxurious, of course. Our "cabin" had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a full-size kitchen, hot tub, TV and, most importantly, heat.

Now before you suggest that we weren't really "roughing it," you must acknowledge that there was no internet connection, no cell phone access, no DVD player and no video-game system.

What did we do on our three-day wilderness adventure? We went hiking, though technically it might be considered more of a walk. We ate a lot. We listened to music and danced. We caught up on our sleep. We stared at the gas fireplace. We watched some TV, but only classics like "Die Hard" and "True Lies."

Oh, and the peaceful woods provided the perfect setting in which to read. I read two books using my Kindle IPhone application. Ah, nature and technology. I love thee both.

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