Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My living room becomes a tennis court

I bought Jeff a Wii for Christmas. I was worried it would do little more than collect dust. I worried for nothing. After playing Wii tennis in our casual TV room for a few weeks, Jeff moved the Wii to the more formal living room.

At first I thought maybe the living room offered a better Wimbledon vibe. There's no grass, of course, but the furniture is green. Then I thought maybe Jeff just wanted to irritate me by turning my living room into an arcade.

But no, it seems Jeff simply needed more space to play. In the small TV room, he tripped over furniture and hit walls. In the larger living room, he rearranged the furniture (moved it all to one side of the room) to maximize his playing space.

Now he swings his racket, er remote, with no fear of hitting walls. He chases imaginary tennis balls and trips only occasionally over a dog who runs on the court, er carpet. The change in venue must have worked because Jeff now plays at the professional level.

I guess as long as he doesn't draw white lines on the floor, I shouldn't worry. We can always move the furniture back. After all, why am I complaining? I'm married to a tennis pro.


Anne MM said...

This was too funny Dawn!

Erin D. said...

Awesome! I love Wii tennis.

Karly said...

Crap! The next time you visit he'll be able to beat me in bowling AND tennis? I'm going to have to get a game that I can actually win!