Saturday, January 31, 2009

Oscar films: Take one

Most of the year, I'd be more likely to see "Bride Wars" than "Rachel Getting Married." But when Oscar nominations are announced, I change.

During January and February, I suddenly become a critic of cinematography, script writing and costumes. The more depressing, thought provoking and tear-inducing the film, the more likely I am to see it.

So far, I've seen "Benjamin Button," "Rachel Getting Married" and "The Reader." All were wonderfully written and acted. All made me think about their messages long after the credits rolled. And all were rather unsettling.

Why do good films have to be so darned depressing? Is The Academy made up of a bunch of sad sacks? Does a film have to make you cry to make you think?

I can't answer those questions. All I can do is tell you to take tissues to the theater.

1 comment:

Erin D. said...

Yeah, I just watched Rachel Getting Married, and I guess I didn't cry, but I felt very unsettled afterward. There was so much pain and tension in that movie ... I can see why she got nominated though.