Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Peer pressure ain't always bad

I really didn't feel like working out tonight. My stomach sort of hurt. My head sort of ached. My mood was sort of bad. You get the idea.

I decided to spend my evening lying on the couch chomping on potato chips and watching mindless TV. Ah, how relaxing. And then I remembered WalkGeorgia.

Three other woman and I formed a team where we log our daily physical activity into an online database. After some fancy math, the computer shows us how many miles across Georgia we've "walked." The goal is to have visited each Georgia county by the program's end. Teams compete against each other to cover the most ground.

Tonight I decided I couldn't let my team down. There will, of course, be days that I disappoint. Days I feel too sick, too tired or too busy to exercise. There will be days when the call of happy hour is too loud to ignore and a workout is skipped. There will be times I chose dinner with friends over sweating on the streets. But today wasn't one of those days.

Today I took one for the team and now that my 50-minute walk is over, I feel happier. I guess I needed a little pressure from my peers. Thanks Katie, Sonya and Allison.

1 comment:

Karly said...

That's the spirit! I'm trying to run a 5k next month and I'm finding lack of motivation to be my biggest problem.