Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Flu season is on and so is the TV

I've been sick, and not just of blogging. Just kidding, dear Internet, I would never get sick of you. This cold/flu/swine disease is just making me too lazy to blog.

Luckily, I got sick just in time for the new fall shows to come on TV. There's nothing more pathetic then watching reruns of "The Cosby Show" and "Three's Company" while lying on the sofa. Yes, I'm old.

Here are some of my favorite new and returning shows (from this decade):

"Parks and Recreation," 8:30 p.m. Thursdays, NBC: Amy Poehler's kind-hearted but clueless character has trouble with love, career, friendships and zoo animals. I don't have trouble laughing while watching these well-written scenes unfold.

"The Office," 9 p.m. Thursdays, NBC: Inappropriate bosses, work-place romances, office pranks. Does this sound like your office? Trust me, it's funny when it's on TV.

"Glee," 9 p.m. Wednesday, FOX: Middle-age teachers forming a boy band while high school cheerleaders sabotage their glee club classmates? The show's silliness is endearing, and the obscure pop-culture references make me feel smart.

"What would Brian Botonio Make," 1 p.m. Sundays, Food Network: What can I say? The former skater turned cook is so goofy, he's hilarious. The dishes are easy to make and tasty.

"House," 8 p.m. Mondays, FOX: I never know what to expect from the brilliantly cunning Dr. House and his entourage of doctors. The show is so smart and complex that I never know how an episode will end.

Curb Your Enthusiasm, 9 p.m. Sundays HBO: Larry is mean, and mean is funny.

1 comment:

Erin D. said...

Yes! I'm so glad the fall shows are back. I especially liked your summary of Curb your enthusiasm.