Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy birthday, Karly!

My bestest friend Karly is one year older today. Karly and I became fast friends when she came to Thanksgiving at my house in California and promptly fell in love with a little ball of fur named Alley.

Karly and I worked together at a California newspaper where we spent most of our days exchanging zingers, planning parties, trying to avoid working Saturdays on the news desk and complaining about Mr. Burns.

We shared addictions to outlet shopping, fruity mixed drinks, The Sims, veggie pizza and TV shows that lasted less than a season.

Now we live in different time zones and work different schedules. Getting together for pizza and a competitive game of Sims isn't an option, but I wish it was.

Have a great birthday, Karly! And I promise if we ever play Sims together again, I won't let Dawn Sim sell the pool ladder while Karly Sim is swimming. That Grim Reaper Sim was way too scary.


Karly said...

This is easily your best blog post ever.

Anne MM said...

you sold the ladder? Wow and here i thought you were only that mean to your little sister! Happy Birthday Karly!

Dawn said...

Karly, I thought you'd say that!

Anne, I just wanted to "win." There were also multiple stove-top fires. Jeff Sim didn't last very long either. Those Sims just aren't that hardy.