Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The whole dress, for Karly

I wore this dress to a wedding. The sneakers stayed home. My cute little black heels looked a lot cuter than the shoes you see in this photo. What's up with the athletic shoes? Well, I enjoy running in formal attire, you see.

Not really. Sassy and Alley were staying at my sister Anne's apartment while Jeff and I were at the wedding. When we returned to the apartment the dogs had to go potty IMMEDIATELY!! I only had time to change my shoes quickly and run the girls outside.

It made for quite the cute photo. My friend Karly asked for a full shot of the dress and this is the only one I've got.

1 comment:

Karly said...

Likely story, Dawn! You really expect me to believe you didn't wear those shoes to the wedding?!?! Love it!