Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Uniforms vs. outfits

I have, on occasion, made comments about my like or dislike of certain football team's "outfits." Jeff has always quickly corrected me. Athletes wear uniforms. Models wear outfits.

Tonight while watching men's skating in the 2010 Winter Olympics, Jeff didn't correct me a single time when I referred to the skaters' attire as outfits. In fact, when he saw the Belgium skater's skeleton-like bodysuit, Jeff decided "costume" was the right descriptive term.

However, when snowboarders were shown on TV, Jeff referred to their jean-like pants and jackets as uniforms.

So what does Jeff think a piece of clothing needs to become a uniform? A number.


Karly said...

And athletes dress in locker rooms, not dressing rooms.

Dawn said...

Good point, Karly! I think Jeff will agree.

Anne MM said...

I thought it would have something to do with logos.

Mrs. Pie said...

Dawn, are you feeling less dazed lately??? I miss your writing! Don't become as infrequent and undisciplined as me.

Anne MM said...

ummm dear dawn- I am traveling this week... I am putting in a request for you to blog. It keeps me sane while away. thanks!
anne MM